A Parties, this User Conditions Agreement ‘’Profesör Ahmet Taner Kışlalı Mah. 2873. Cad. No:3C Kapı No:5 06810 Çankaya/ANKARA’’' Biadım Teknoloji INC., which operates at the address of Biadım Teknoloji INC. and the other party has read, understood, approved and complied with all of the provisions of this User Terms Agreement through the application and the '' Privacy/Personal Data Protection Policy'' Agrees, Declares and Undertakes that the Agreement is a Part of this User Terms Agreement. Starting to Use the Application Means Acceptance of this User Terms Agreement.


Bi’adım: Biadım Technology Inc.
User: Natural Persons who approve the Agreement through the Application Created by Bi'adım within the Scope of the Terms of this User Agreement,
Application: Android and Iphone Mobile Application Created by Bi'adım,
Agreement: This User Agreement Signed Between Biadım Teknoloji Inc. and the User,
Personal Data: Pursuant to Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, all kinds of information about a specific or identifiable real person (Special Categories of Personal Data),


The Subject of this Agreement is the Determination of the Terms of Use of the User and the Rights and Obligations of the Parties from All These Services to be Offered by Bi’adım, Available or to be Updated. By accepting this User Conditions Agreement, the User agrees, declares and undertakes to act in accordance with all kinds of matters specified in the Agreement.


The User accepts and declares that he/she is at least 18 years of age and has the capacity to accept this Agreement,
The User agrees and represents that the User shall not imitate any other individual or entity or impersonate any Bi’adım employee, the User agrees and represents that the User shall not sell, rent or donate the User's account, or create an account with a false identity or information or on behalf of anyone other than yourself ,
The User agrees and declares that he/she will not use the Application again in case of termination of the use of the Application by Bi’adım or prohibition of the use of the Services (Banning), the User agrees and declares that he/she will not use his/her account or Bi’adım Services for commercial purposes, the User agrees and declares that he/she will not take any action that Bi’adım considers incompatible with the purpose pursued by the Application or the essence of the Application,
Will Not Infringe or Misappropriate a Patent, Copyright, Trademark, Trade Secret, Trade Secret, Moral Rights or Other Intellectual Property Rights or Rights of Publicity or Privacy Belonging to a Third Party, (Ii) Violates or Encourages Conduct that Violates or Causes Violation of Any Applicable Law or Regulation, or Would Result in Civil Liability; (Iii) Is Fraudulent, False, Misleading or Deceptive; or (Iv) Promotes Activities or Substances of an Illegal or Harmful Nature,
Acknowledges And Declares That It Will Not Use, Display, Reflect Or Frame (Frame) An Individual Element Within The Scope Of The Application, Title of Bi’adım, Any Brand, Logo Or Other Proprietary (Proprietary) Information Or The Layout And Design Of Any Page Or A Form On The Page Without The Explicit Written Consent Of Bi’adım,
The User agrees and declares that he/she will not support or praise terrorism, organized crime or hate groups within the Application,
The User agrees and represents that they will not provide sexual services, trade firearms, alcohol or tobacco products between private individuals, or trade illegal or prescription drugs (even if legal in your area),
The user accepts and declares that he/she cannot sell live animals between private individuals within the application, and that he/she will not coordinate the illegal hunting or sale of animals or parts of animals that are in danger of extinction within the application.
Nudity is not allowed in Bi’adım Application. There is also no harm in nudity in pictures and sculptures. The User agrees and declares that he/she will not share photos, videos and certain digitally created content in which sexual intercourse, genitals or fully exposed buttocks are visible,
The User agrees and declares that he/she will not share content that deals with, promotes, promotes, encourages, facilitates or accepts the offer, promotion or trading of fake or misleading user reviews or points,
The User agrees and declares that he/she knows that he/she can decide his/her own privacy about the visibility of the photos he/she shares in the Bi’adım application,

The User agrees and declares that he/she will not make content that contains credible threats or hate speech, content targeting private individuals for the purpose of humiliation or degradation, personal information intended to blackmail or harass someone, and unsolicited messages sent repeatedly,
The User agrees and declares that it will not promote violence or aggression against people because of their race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, disability or disease,
Bi'adım shall not thoroughly examine, review or test the vulnerabilities/sensitive points of any system or computer network of the Bi'adım Application, or attempt to breach any security or verification measures, or use the Application without Bi'adım's express written consent, You may not modify or interfere with any Service or the Service/User Experience or modify any files that are part of the Application or use any emulator, cheat, unauthorized access, automation software, bot, hack, mod or unauthorized third party software designed to cause such modification,
, The User, while using the Application; (I) shall not act contrary to all laws of the Republic of Turkey in force, including the provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code, the Code of Obligations, the Turkish Criminal Code, the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works and other relevant legislation, and the International Conventions to which the Republic of Turkey is a party, (ii) contrary to the laws of the Republic of Turkey, International Agreements; Immoral, or Racist; Threats, Insults, Abuse, Harassment, Torts, Slander, Trade Secrets or Vulgar, Obscene, Defamatory or Violating the Privacy Rights of Third Parties or Any Other Form of Message, Content, Information, Data, Text, Image or Any Other Material that may give rise to the User's Legal and Criminal Liability, (Iii) Any Person, Institution or Business that is not a Representative of that Person, Represent as if it is the representative of the Institution or Business and shall not express that it is related to these Persons, Institutions and Businesses in a way that may mislead or create confusion, (Iv) Text, Picture, Image Transmitted to the Application by Bi'adım Partners, Employees, Officers, Modify, Use, Copy or Delete Any Material Included in the Application, Including, Without Limitation, Graphics, Trademarks, Trade Names and Titles, (V) Introduce Any Viruses, Trojan Horses, Trojan Horses or Other Viruses into the Application, Will not distribute, transmit or disseminate all kinds of malicious code and / or materials such as spy programs, and dialer programs, (vi) will not transfer its own user account without Bi'adım's prior written consent, (Vii) Not to place or transmit any text, image, sound, graphic or any other material for commercial purposes such as advertisements, promotions, commercial ideas or incentives, announcements or any other form without Bi'adım's prior written consent, (Viii) It accepts, declares and undertakes that it will not direct or change the Application for its own purposes by using framing or other similar technologies, (Ix) It will not provide unauthorized access to the Application or attempt to do so, (Xi) It will not engage in activities, works and actions that prevent or make it difficult for other users and third parties to use the services offered through the Application and will not perform other similar transactions and actions.
Bi'adım may provide links to other sites within the application, publish advertisements of 3rd parties with which it has an agreement, and direct users to the site of advertisers or contracted 3rd parties through advertisements. Bi'adım bears no responsibility for the privacy practices and policies of other applications accessed through this link or for the content they contain.
The information obtained within the scope of the Application may be used by Bi’adım and other persons and institutions with which it cooperates without revealing the identity of the User in any way, only in cases such as various statistical evaluations, authorized marketing, database creation efforts and market research.
The User is responsible for the operation, maintenance and updating of any and all equipment necessary to access and use the Application, such as phones, browsers and electronic equipment. Bi'adım reserves the right to make additional charges for the operation and/or updating of such equipment. The User is fully responsible for any damages that the User may incur due to the User's failure to comply with these Obligations.
Bi'adım may suspend or cancel the User's Membership at any time without any justification. To the extent possible, Bi'adım shall notify the User of the Suspension or Termination in advance. However, Bi’adım reserves the right to take back the units earned in the event that Bi’adım detects malicious use by the User or an incorrect acquisition or a technical malfunction occurs. The User agrees that he/she shall not have any claim against Bi’adım in the event of suspension or cancellation of his/her membership or revocation of earnings, and irrevocably waives all rights of action and claim.
There is no Right of Exchange, Refund or Withdrawal in the Avatar Products (Accessories, T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Jerseys, Dresses, Hair, Eyes, Mouth, Eyebrows, etc.) that the User will purchase in return for his/her Virtual Savings through the Avatar Change Section within the Application.
The User accepts that he/she is solely responsible for the messages and content written by him/her and their transmission to the Application while using the services offered to him/her through the Application. Bi'adım shall not be held responsible for such messages and content in any way.
The User may not Initiate, Assist or Participate in any Attack, Including, Without Limitation, the Spread of a Virus, Attacks to Prevent the Delivery of the Application, or Attempts to Disrupt the Services or to Prevent Another Person from Using or Benefiting from the Application,
The User agrees and declares that he/she will not attempt to disable or modify the Security, Technology, Device or Software Elements that are part of the Application or to disable or modify them.
The User Agrees and Declares That He / She Will Not Send Unwanted or Unauthorized Advertising, Promotional Material, E-Mail, Junk Mail, Spam, Chain Mail or Any Other Invitation / Incentive Form, User agrees and acknowledges that User shall not forge any Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/Internet Protocol (IP) Package Header or any part of the Header Information of any E-Mail or Newsgroup Submission or use the Services to send altered, deceptive or false/inaccurate source identifying information.
The User agrees and acknowledges that the User shall not avoid, bypass, disable, circumvent, breach, descramble or otherwise circumvent any technological measures that Bi’adım or Bi’adım's Providers or any other third party (including another User) has implemented to protect the Services.
The User agrees and acknowledges that he/she will not attempt to access or search the Services by using any engine, software, tool, agent, device or mechanism (including spiders, robots, crawlers, data mining tools or the like) other than the Software and/or Search Agent provided by Bi'adım or third party Internet browsers that are generally accessible.
The User agrees and declares that he/she will not publish any speeches and information that may be used to insult, threaten, commit any act that constitutes a crime under applicable laws, or encourage harassment, abuse or acts of violence against other users, groups, legal entities of Bi'adım or Bi'adım employees, agents, consultants, officers and / or managers.


In order to benefit from the services offered within the scope of the Application, certain information such as Name-Surname, Contact Information (Phone Number, Mail Address), Step Data, Allowed and Uploaded Photos, Calorie Information, Location in Website Visit, Contact Information, Request, Suggestion, Complaint Information are collected.


Your Personal Data may be processed by Bi’adım for the purposes of Planning and Execution of Bi’adım's Commercial and / or Business Strategies in order to Benefit the Relevant Persons from the Services Provided by Bi’adım and within the Scope of the Application, for the Conduct of the Necessary Studies by the Relevant Business Units within the Scope of the Purposes of Planning and Execution of Bi’adım’s Commercial and / or Business Strategies and the Execution of the Related Business Processes;
– Providing Services to Users,
– Execution of Information Security Processes,
– Execution of Employee Candidate / Intern / Student Selection and Placement Processes,
– Execution of Employee Candidate Application Processes,
– Fulfillment of Obligations Arising from Employment Contract and Legislation for Employees,
– Execution of Access Authorizations,
– Execution of Activities in Compliance with the Legislation,
– Execution of Finance and Accounting Affairs,
– Execution of Company / Product / Service Loyalty Processes,
– Ensuring Physical Space Security,
– Execution of Assignment Processes,
– Follow-up and Execution of Legal Affairs,
– - Execution of Communication Activities,
– Planning Human Resources Processes,
– Execution/Supervision of Business Activities,
– Organization and Event Management,
– Awarding Awards in Organization and Event Processes,
– Execution of Occupational Health / Safety Activities,
– Execution of Goods / Service Sales Processes,
– Execution of Customer Relationship Management Processes,
– Execution of Activities for Customer Satisfaction,
– Execution of Social Responsibility and Civil Society Activities,
– Execution of Contract Processes,
– Execution of Sponsorship Activities,
– Follow-up of Requests / Complaints,
– Execution of Marketing Processes of Products / Services,
– Ensuring the Security of Data Controller Operations,
– Providing Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions and Organizations,
– Execution of Company Authorization and Representation Periods
Operated with Purposes.


All Responsibility arising from any kind of use in the Application belongs to the User. The User is the sole addressee and responsible for all claims, civil and criminal cases arising from the use of the Application. The User shall not infringe the fame, commercial reputation, trademark, glory and honor and other personal rights of any real or legal person and shall not use phrases and expressions that will cause unfair competition due to the messages, answers, messages, photos, questions and transaction requests; Otherwise, it irrevocably accepts that it will be directly responsible for any damages, losses, expenses and all other claims and lawsuits that may arise from the claims of Bi’adım or third parties.
Bi'adım is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages and expenses that may arise as a result of any error, interruption, delay, virus, line and / or system failure that may occur during the provision of services in electronic media.


This User Terms and Conditions Agreement is subject to the laws of the Republic of Turkey. Ankara Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorized to resolve any disputes that may arise from the implementation of the Privacy Policy.


Biadım Technology Incorporated Company can make changes to this User Terms Agreement at any time due to legal requirements and / or changes to be made in the processing of personal data. In order for you to be aware of the changes in this User Conditions Agreement, necessary information will be provided to you, our users.